A web application that curates custom meal plans with easy-to-follow recipes, tailored to your body's needs and cuisine preferences Our diet plan website provides a convenient and customizable solution for healthy eating. By inputting your BMI and dietary preferences, it generates a personalized meal plan complete with delicious recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Each recipe is carefully crafted to provide the perfect balance of nutrition and flavor, making it easy to stick to your diet and reach your fitness goals. Plus, our app lets you easily swap out recipes or adjust portion sizes to suit your needs, making healthy eating simpler than ever before.
to generate desired diet.
Backend Developer
Student of SRM, currently working on implement working ML Models with a websites.
App Developer
Student of SRM, currently working on app developmet using flutter and learning ML models.
Frontend Developer
Student of SRM, currently learning Frontend developmet using React.js, utilizes bootstrap 5 for designing the site.